2009 is just around the corner, and I am hoping for a new start. It was a rough year for me. I've realized who i really am and that all of the people who I really thought were myfriends can just be one of my many acquittance. I've also realized many people have said they don't like/associate with "fake" people but yet they get along so well with them tsk tsk. Trust was a real big issue for me, and let me tell you my walls are up high; I've been fooled too many times and I won't let myself go through that again. Since my father's passing; I'm still in denial about everything but the family and I are taking it day by day to be a stronger person. So really I don't even remember what I've been doing this whole year other than being M.I.A haha. I mean I guess you can say my boyfriend showed me better ways to have fun, you dont always have to get drunk to have fun, or go to parties. There are other things out there. I'm just not that party person who i used to be. I hope to gain alot next year. Maybe new friends, a job! and maybe even happiness for myself.
Happy New Years! and be safe!
About Me
- eatyoshorts
- I'm a really simple person. I enjoy good music and good weather. If you cool, we cool.